30 April, 2012

creative projects for the next few weeks...

I do not feel I have been awfully creative recently; apart from an greeting card, simple pants or some scrapbooking  I have done nothing beautiful or useful for at least a year or two.

Here are some projects I am planning to do soon.  Some are urgent, like winter pyjamas (it is getting cooler).  I got of rid of so much stuff moving the house that I have nothing to wear.  All these beautiful fabrics, and all I have is a few tshirts and some jeans.

I do not own even one skirt or dress, so making a few skirts will be a lot of fun

Next one... pyjamas... my inner girl simply can't wait to wear it  :o)

This beautiful knit has been stuck in my wardrobe for a while...  a simple dress is just what I need
and I am going to make a necklace and a bracelet - look at this coral!

This fabric was quite expensive, but I just had to buy it; the clours are more intense than on the photo, almost jewel-like.  I realised that these are some of my favourite colours because I have lots of beads that match this fabric perfectly.

And another skirt with some matching beads

and there is more.

Whew, looks like a lot of sewing.

15 April, 2012

14 April, 2012


OK, so now I am going to use  all those beautiful beads and crystals that I was keeping for years.
I think that I will simply design by colour - my beads and my fabrics are similar colours so it should be easy and a lot of fun.

13 April, 2012

It is time for me to stop hoarding and start creating.

These - very few, boy, I had three wardrobes full of them - piles of  clothes look very uninspiring, but I can assure you, there are some gorgeous fabrics there.

Spotlight has some great all the sewing patterns half price now, so it is a good time to buy.  I always make a list of patterns I like, and then go to http://sewing.patternreview.com/ to see what other women say.  A dress that looks fabulous on the pattern envelope may a be bitch to sew, or it may require so many alterations and modifications that you think twice before buying the pattern.  I love http://sewing.patternreview.com/ and I believe it is a blessing for every sewer of fine clothing; when buying sewing patterns it surely saved me a lot of time and money.

What I love about this website is that you may see how a skirt or a top looks on a real woman who has hips and boobs, is a bit shorter that 1.80m, with the waist measurement bigger than her shoe size, and still looks perfect.

04 April, 2012

uncluttering and creating more

I got rid of tons of sewing patterns, magazines, fabrics, knitting yarns and other precious possessions.  Moving from a four bedroom house to one bedroom plus a beautiful, modern kitchen and a veranda with a view made me think, and unclutter, and simplify.  I decided, for example, that I could no longer have seven hundred cookbooks (OK, I exaggerate, maybe I had six hundred and something...), so I kept the ones I cannot cook without and gave the rest away.

I saved my favourite sewing patterns, fabrics and wools, and I am going to use them, instead of just hoarding them.  Big plans include a few skirts, blouses, pyjamas, delightful little tunic from my favourite Patty Reed Designs, pullover top from Marcy Tilton Wearable Art, and an Issey Miyake coat  (I bought the pattern last year).

I was tidying up the patterns that ended up stamped on in a box like grapes in a barrel during the last days in an old place - a complete maddness, I must admit - and I found a couple that have bits and pieces missing, not many though, most of them survived the ordeal in perfect order, thanks Goddess.